What is $R00ner?

What is $R00ner?

Find out more about the $R00ner movement and how we will make history. Become part of something new and shape the future! Read more about us:

Who are we?

We are not a single person. We are a collective of individuals.
However we are united by one important characteristic:
We are driven by deep emotional conviction and are prepared to give everything!

How it all began

The crypto market has moved in a direction that we can no longer tolerate.
The impressive blockchain technology is being pushed further into the background. Not to mention interpersonal values.
The focus is on presidents launching their own meme coin with fraudulent intentions and hacks. Meanwhile, it feels like we are even accepting this state of affairs - seemingly out of habit. It is a punishment of its own for all those who believe in values and work hard every day.

What we stand for

We do not submit to this state of affairs!
We stand for the highest integrity and are a movement that supports all those who deserve it. Togetherness is paramount and there is no antagonism.
We will never rest until we have achieved our goal of bringing back the true values! We also clearly distance ourselves from being labeled as a meme coin and merely pursuing “numbers going up”.

Our vision

Very important: Every $R00ner helps to shape the future. There is no single decision-maker and it is an iterative process.

We want to create a DAO for the “good”. A DAO for everyone who needs help. The instruments of the DAO are not only the provision of financial resources, but also outreach and helpfulness are collectively powerful!

In this context, I would like to remind you of Axie Infinity and the economy that has emerged from it in Phillipen, for example. This movement has turned life into something positive for many people. We will repeat history and take it to a new level!

Our first goal

Spread this message to everyone and draw attention to our movement. Be loud but not rude and adhere to rules of conduct!